

I'm fascinated by how people make decisions. I've explored this as a gravity athlete, a strategy consultant, a tech entrepreneur, a PhD scholar, and a startup coach. I also write, podcast, and Dad.

The Science of Generosity in Business
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The Science of Generosity in Business

Last week, I had the honor to record a podcast with Dr. Paul Zak researcher, author, entrepreneur, and Director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University. We spent a wonderful hour going deep into the neurological mechanisms behind entrepreneurial behavior, particularly what makes people generous. And what I learned is that there are three primary hormones oxytocin, cortisol, and testosterone that hold they keys to generosity in our economic relationships....

Discover the entrepreneurial superpower of cognitive flexibility. Learn actionable strategies for better task-switching and mental agility.

I usually don’t like to start an article by jumping straight into science, but for those who may not understand the key concept in its title, let’s cover a few basics from Neuropsychology 101. We humans have a unique ability to think about the future, make complex plans, and control impulses in ways that other animals can’t. This ability lets us set goals, think creatively, and adapt to new situations, enabling everything from building cities to writing stories. Psychologists call this...

Social Learning Theory for Founders

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” - Jim Rohn This axiom isn’t just motivational fluff. It’s practically gospel in the startup world, where no shit, it’s the people, stupid. Because the company we keep, more than anything, shapes how fast we can learn, the decisions we make, and ultimately, our chances for success. Just ask Sara, a young founder building her first startup. Each day feels like a whirlwind of learning, analysis, and decision-making under...

In a quiet workshop in Kyoto, Japan, artist Kunio Nakamura sits at a small wooden table surrounded by shards of broken pottery. With meticulous care, Kunio pieces together the fragments, using a mixture of lacquer and powdered gold to bind them. “In every break, there is a story. And in every story, there is a lesson,” he says, focused on the intricate work in front of him. Kunio’s craft, Kintsugi, is the ancient art of repairing pottery that highlights rather than hides the breaks. Each...

View in browser here. Introduction Having visited almost 70 countries, I’ve never understood why an outsized number of businesses in my home country of Germany only accept cash. If you’ve spent time there, you've probably had this experience. You walk into a cozy restaurant, enjoy a delicious meal, and then, when it's time to pay, you discover they only accept cash. Frustrated and somewhat embarrassed, you're forced to leave your table and the restaurant, running to find a nearby ATM where...

View in browser here. What is Entrepreneurial Willpower? Have you ever wanted something so badly that you threw everything you had at it, only to feel like your reserves of determination and effort were running dangerously low? This isn’t a sign of weakness or a lack of motivation but a complex interplay between our beliefs, our motivations, and perhaps most importantly, our neurobiology. These feelings of willpower depletion are particularly present in entrepreneurs despite the great...

View in browser here. Introduction I was inspired to write this piece after a recent coaching session with a startup founder. During our discussion about their planned use of funds for their upcoming seed round, the founder mentioned his desire to hire a salesperson because he’s “not good at sales”. This mindset is highly problematic, particularly in an early-stage startup where no one else has the ability to sell like a founder can. No one understands the problem, knows the customer, or...


Follow me on: Introduction Neuroaesthetics is an interdisciplinary field that combines neuroscience and aesthetics to understand how our brains perceive and appreciate beauty. It explores the neural mechanisms behind our responses to art and design, providing critical insights into why certain visual experiences are universally appealing. For entrepreneurs, a basic understanding of neuroaesthetics can offer frameworks and tactics that enhance user engagement, customer satisfaction, and the...

I. Introduction As entrepreneurs, we understand that risk is the essence of innovation. Without it, there are no breakthroughs, no market disruptions, and no exponential growth. By grasping the science behind risk-taking, we can elevate our decision-making from instinctual to informed, intuitive to mechanistic, giving us a strategic edge in navigating the uncertainty of the entrepreneurial journey. This article sets out to do just that, exploring the neurobiology, psychology, influences, and...

The Aging Brain of an Entrepreneur

Introduction Yesterday, I celebrated my 50th birthday, which prompted me to reflect on my 25-year journey as an entrepreneur. Over the years, I’ve undoubtedly experienced changes in my cognitive abilities. While my processing speed may have slightly declined, I’ve noticed improvements in recognizing patterns, predicting changes, and the ease at which I can transition between detailed analysis and big-picture thinking. These changes (and my birthday) sparked my curiosity about how the brain...